Production Techniques Package
Tarieding fan ús krityske materialen troch
Solid Electrolysis
Vacuum Smelting foar Alloy
Fakuümraffinaazje (fakuümdestillaasje of sublimaasje)
Rare Earth ekstraksje, roasting, suvering
Elektryske oerdracht, of Ionenútwikseling
Termyske reduksje en molten sâlt elektrolyse
Hydrogenaasje of meganyske grinding foar poeder
FZ of CZ Single Crystal Silicon Growth
Crystal Synthesis VGF, PVD,CVD…
Reduksje, atomisaasje en elektrolyse foar Nano
Vacuum Condensation, Sol Gel of Microemulsion Metoade foar II-VI Poeder
Vacuum Sintering
Powder Metallurgy Process

State of the Art analytyske en testynstruminten
X-Ray Diffraksje XRD
Scanning Electron Microscope SEM
Photoluminence Emission Spectra PL
Inductively keppele Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometer ICP-AES
Inductively keppele Plasma Mass Spectrometry ICP-MS
Glow Discharge Mass Spectrometry GDMS
Laser Particle Grutte Analyzer
Silicon Wafer Resistivity Tester
Silicon Wafer Surface Quality Analyzer
Silicon Surface Particle Detector